Myrtle is a lovely Turtle. Not an ordinary Turtle. She is Purple and different from other turtles. After being bullied by another turtle, Myrtle tries to become someone else. In the end, Myrtle and her friends help children learn to not be afraid of being different. Myrtle the Purple Turtle is a thoroughly engaging story that stresses the importance of self-acceptance and friendship.
For those of us who want to teach the children in our lives about acceptance and friendship comes this charming tale of a purple turtle longing to be green that’s perfect to pop into your beach or overnight bag for bedtime reading to little ones. When Myrtle realizes that she’s not the same colour as her playmates, she tries to reinvent herself as someone different. It takes a few humorous attempts to reinvent herself and some help from her friends before she realizes that she’s wonderful just as she is. Inspired by the experience of one of her own daughters, Canadian writer Cynthia Reyes has penned a story with delightful characters and an ever-important message: every one of us is different, and we’re all extraordinary
Canadian Living Magazine
I loved reading this book to my young daughters. It emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance in a very relatable way to young kids and it gave me the opportunity to explain the issue of bullying, friendship and staying true to oneself.
This book will be a joy to children who need to be told, again and again, that they are beautiful in the skin they’re in, that the beauty of diversity is one which includes them.
Andrea Torrey Balsara
Author & Illustrator
Myrtle the Purple Turtle’ is one of the most striking, original children’s books released in recent years.
My 3 little girls [ages] 8, 4 and 2, LOVE Myrtle and her adventures towards self-acceptance. The pictures are vibrant, the story is heart-warming and this has quickly become one of our most asked for books in the house.
Amazon Review
I loved this story, and even more so, my kids loved it. It has such a powerful and relatable moral. It gave me the opportunity speak to my children about acceptance, kindness, differences in the people we see all around us and to love and respect everyone for who they are, and not how they appear. And most importantly, to love yourself just the way you are.
Facebook Review
Must read for all young children
Amazon Review
A story to be read over and over again
Amazon Review
Amazon Review